Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Future of Biblical Counseling, Part 7

The Future of Biblical Counseling
Dreaming a Dozen Dreams

Part 7: Dream Number Six
Biblical Counseling Will Be Relevant

Welcome to a multi-part Blog on The Future of Biblical Counseling. We need clarity on the issue of what makes biblical counseling biblical. I invite you to join the conversation.

Dream Number Six: Biblical Counseling Will Be Relevant

It is not enough to promote the sufficiency of the Word if we do not also minister in such a way that demonstrates the relevancy of God’s Word.

The Truth Will Set You Free

The pejorative stereotype of biblical counseling as “take two verses and call me in the morning” will be replaced with the constructive identity of “the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). Our redemption in Christ provides the power for victory over sin. God’s Word powerfully sets us free to move from victims to victors.

The Truth Will Give You Rest

When people think of the biblical counselor, they will think of “Jesus with skin on” and be filled with words of hope like, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Soul rest comes to those who apply the Scriptures to matters of the soul.

The Truth Will Give You Abundant Life

Problems in living that most people label only as psychological disorders curable only by psychological methodologies will be seen as spiritual, relational, mental, volitional, and emotional issues addressed in the Book of Life by the Author of Life so that we can live the abundant life (John 10:10). The Bible is not so heavenly minded that it is of no earthly good. Quite to the contrary, the Bible offers eternal life forever and abundant life today.

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