Thursday, September 24, 2009

Blog Tour Day Four: Persistence and Perseverance

Persistence and Perseverance

The Sacred Friedships Blog Tour continues with day four over at my good friend, Brad Hambrick's site.

Visit his site at:

Learn Persistence

Here's a small taste of what Brad shares as he asked us about the first female martyr of the church--Perpetua.

To the very end, Perpetua maintains her perpetual persistence. “The day of their victory dawned, and with joyful countenances they marched from the prison to the arena as though on their way to heaven. If there was any trembling, it was from joy, not fear. Perpetua followed with a quick step as a true spouse of Christ, the darling of God, her brightly flashing eyes quelling the gaze of the crowd.”

Perpetua provides riveting testimony to Christ’s power at work in the inner life of a Christian woman whose spirit could never be overpowered.

The Rest of the Story

To learn more about how Perpetua can encourage you to persevere, visit Brad's site:

To purchase your copy of Sacred Friendships please visit:

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