Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sacred Friendships Blog Tour

Sacred Friendships Blog Tour

Whew! It's a lot of work organizing a blog tour.'s also a lot of fun...and it provides a great excuse for re-connecting with old friends and making fresh connections with new friends.

So...we have 30 stops on our Sacred Friendships Blog Tour. Every Monday-through-Friday, September 21 to October 30, for six weeks, someone new will be blogging about Sacred Friendships.

Some will do Podcast interviews.

Some will do full book reviews--and they can say anything they think, no strings attached.

Some will review portions of the book.

Some will have Susan Ellis and me respond to their own Author Interview Q/As.

Some will post excerpts from the Author Q/As Susan and I prepared.

A few days before each blog post, I'll list the web address, and then list it again, so people can be sure to visit.

And...get involved. Five people who comment on any of the blog sites will be randomly selected to receive a free, autographed copy of Sacred Friendships.

Many thanks to all my blogging friends new and old who have agreed to give of their valuable time and blog space to join the journey.

By the way...I pick up copies of the book tomorrow from BMH Books!

Have you ordered your very own copy yet? Here's your link:

Be empowered and have your life changed by the amazing stories of over 50 remarkable women. You'll never think about ministry the same again.


PS: Are you an author and you'd like to learn about blog tours? Well, I'm a "rookie" just one month ahead on the journey, but I love helping others to succeed. So...whatever I've learned and will learn along the way, I'm glad to share. Email me your questions:

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